The power of perseverance

作者:李小丹 发布时间:24/09/25

By Joan(执行校长张琼辉)

Dear teachers, students,

Good morning. Today I wanna to share with you the topic of “the power of perseverance.”

High school is a pivotal time in your lives, a time of discovery, growth, and transformation. It’s a time when you are not just learning about the world, but also about yourselves. You will face challenges, and there will be moments when the path ahead seems unclear, but I want to remind you that it is in these moments of uncertainty and difficulty that you will find your greatest opportunities for growth.

perseverance is the quality that will serve you well, not just in school, but in life. It is the key to unlocking your potential and achieving your dreams. I encourage you to embrace it, especially when the going gets tough.

Let me share with you two stories that perfectly illustrate the power of perseverance. The first is a story many of you may know. Before J.K. Rowling became one of the most beloved authors in the world with her Harry Potter series, she faced numerous rejections from publishers. She was a single mother living on welfare, struggling to make ends meet, yet she continued to write and believe in her story. Despite the setbacks, she persevered. Eventually, her manuscript was accepted, and today, her books have inspired millions of readers around the world. Rowling’s journey teaches us that believing in yourself and your work, even when others doubt you, is key to achieving your dreams. Her story is a powerful reminder that your passion and perseverance can lead to incredible outcomes, no matter the obstacles you face.

The second story is closer to home. It’s  about a student of your age who faced immense challenges in mastering English, particularly in passing the IELTS exam, which was a critical requirement for his goal of studying abroad. Despite his hard work, he failed to achieve the necessary scores multiple times. In fact, he took the IELTS exam 11 times before finally reaching the scores needed for university admission.

Each failure was a difficult setback, but this student’s determination never wavered. He continued to study diligently, sought help, and practiced consistently, driven by the belief that he could succeed. His journey wasn’t easy, and there were moments when giving up would have seemed like the easiest option. But he didn’t give up. He persevered, and in the end, his hard work paid off—he achieved the scores he needed, opening the door to new opportunities and a bright future.

These stories are powerful reminders that no matter how many times you stumble, the important thing is to keep moving forward. Success doesn’t come overnight, and it doesn’t come without effort. It requires perseverance, a belief in yourself, and the determination to keep pushing toward your goals. Let’s all embrace these qualities. Remember that success is not always about how quickly you reach your destination, but about the effort you put in and the resilience you show along the way.

Thank you!