The importance of getting to know the world around you

作者:李小丹 发布时间:24/04/16

By Michiel

Prime time. Means the most popular time to broadcast a show. You are all in your prime. Your show is about to begin.

There is a big world and a little world. In the big world there are wars, and politics and good and bad intentions. The university and newspaper will tell you about this world. And its important. However, the little world is the one that will keep you sane, and it’s not in your mobile phone.

When I left home and went to University I always listened to a song when something had happened:  “If you go skating on the thin ice of modern life, don’t be surprised when a crack in the ice appears under your feet.” And then I thought: yeah, it cracked, but it didn’t break. And I had learned a lesson. Be resilient.

But I wanna give you tip. Don’t stay in, go out. Talk to people. Young people. Old people. It doesn’t matter.  Ask people the things they want to say. Stupid small talk is a great remedy, a great way to connect and make friends. And then the second day you are in your new country. You walk on the street and see your friend and you wave and he or she waves back and that is great!

In loved to practice my Chinese in the taxi. The taxi driver would ask me: 你是哪个国家的 – 荷兰 – 河南? 你不想河南人 – 荷兰 荷兰 -哦哦。 Then I would ask: 你结婚了没 – 结婚 – 有孩子吗 – 有 – 你孩子多大 – and he would answer嗯嗯很好 很好。 It might sound like a silly conversation, but it gave me confidence that I could communicate. And people all like to talk about their children. I loved it. Sometime I bought some water just to have a short chat in a store. Be communicative

That was my beginning of a long journey through China. Hongkong, Guilin, Yunnan, Qinghai, Tibet, Xinjiang. I love almost everything of it, but  I didn’t love every minute of it. However, I do love every memory of it.

The memories of people when they are old age Are the things they do when they are in their prime. Your prime time is coming soon. So, I wish you all the best with creating great memories. Enjoy the show! And for all the other kids you will be at JinDong a little longer. Talk more in class!